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Case Report
Regression of esophageal varices and splenomegaly in two patients with hepatitis-C-related liver cirrhosis after interferon and ribavirin combination therapy
Soon Jae Lee, Yoo-Kyung Cho, Soo-Young Na, Eun Kwang Choi, Sun Jin Boo, Seung Uk Jeong, Hyung Joo Song, Heung Up Kim, Bong Soo Kim, Byung-Cheol Song
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2016;22(3):390-395.   Published online August 30, 2016
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Regression of esophageal varices during entecavir treatment in patients with hepatitis-B-virus-related liver cirrhosis
Hye Young Jwa, Yoo-Kyung Cho, Eun Kwang Choi, Heung Up Kim, Hyun Joo Song, Soo-Young Na, Sun-Jin Boo, Seung Uk Jeong, Bong Soo Kim, Byoung-Wook Lee, Byung-Cheol Song
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2016;22(1):183-187.   Published online March 28, 2016
View: 12409   Download: 152  Web of Science: 4  Crossref: 4
Original Article
The comparison of esophageal variceal ligation plus propranolol versus propranolol alone for the primary prophylaxis of esophageal variceal bleeding
Dongmo Je, Yong-Han Paik, Geum-Youn Gwak, Moon Seok Choi, Joon Hyeok Lee, Kwang Cheol Koh, Seung Woon Paik, Byung Chul Yoo
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2014;20(3):283-290.   Published online September 25, 2014
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Clinical outcomes of balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration for the treatment of gastric variceal hemorrhage in Korean patients with liver cirrhosis: a retrospective multicenter study
Se Young Jang, Go Heun Kim, Soo Young Park, Chang Min Cho, Won Young Tak, Jeong Han Kim, Won Hyeok Choe, So Young Kwon, Jae Myeong Lee, Sang Gyune Kim, Dae Yong Kim, Young Seok Kim, Se-Ok Lee, Yang Won Min, Joon Hyeok Lee, Seung Woon Paik, Byung Chul Yoo, Jae Wan Lim, Hong Joo Kim, Yong Kyun Cho, Joo Hyun Sohn, Jae Yoon Jeong, Yu Hwa Lee, Tae Yeob Kim, Young Oh Kweon
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2012;18(4):368-374.   Published online December 21, 2012
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Usefulness of Liver stiffness measurement for predicting the presence of esophageal varices in patients with Liver cirrhosis
Hyuk Sang Jung, M.D., Yun Soo Kim, M.D., Oh Sang Kwon, M.D., Yang Suh Ku, M.D., Yu Kyung Kim, M.D., Duck Joo Choi, M.D., Ju Hyun Kim, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2008;14(3):342-350.   Published online September 30, 2008
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Comparison of Endoscopic Variceal Ligation versus Combined Ligation and Sclerotherapy for Bleeding Esophageal Varices
Kyong Han Shin , June Sung Lee , Jung Hwan Yoon , Chul Joo Han , Hyo Suk Lee , Chung Yong Kim
Clin Mol Hepatol. 1998;4(2):143-150.
View: 2320   Download: 14
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Clinical and

Print ISSN: 2287-2728
Online ISSN: 2287-285X

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