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Volume 11(3); Sep 2005
Assessment and Current Treatment of Portal Hypertension
Soon Koo Baik
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):211-217.   Published online January 1, 1970
Bacterial Translocation in Liver Cirrhosis
Jung Hyun Choi
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):218-226.   Published online January 1, 1970
Clinical Outcomes after Discontinuation of Lamivudine in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Lamivudine Resistant HBV Mutant
Jeong Ki Kim, M.D. Seong Gyu Hwang, M.D. Hyeuk Park, M.D. Hong Youp Choi, M.D. Hyo Jin Cho, B.S. Kwang Hyun Ko, M.D. Sung Pyo Hong, M.D. Pil Won Park, M.D. Nam Keun Kim, Ph.D. and Kyu Sung Rim, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):227-242.   Published online January 1, 1970
Usefulness of Reagent Strips for the Diagnosis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
Dae Kyoum Kim , Dong Jin Suh , Gi Deog Kim , Won Beom Choi , Sung Hoon Kim , Young Suk Lim , Han Chu Lee , Yong Hwa Chung , Yung Sang Lee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):243-249.   Published online January 1, 1970
A Clinical Study of Pyogenic Liver Abscess at Two Different Local Hospitals
Dae Won Jun , Ji Yong Moon , Sang Hyeon Baeg , Ho Soon Choi , Joo Hyun Sohn , Oh Young Lee , Byung Chul Yoon , Min Ho Lee , Dong Hoo Lee , Choon Suhk Kee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):250-260.   Published online January 1, 1970
A Prospective Study on the Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Autoantibodies in Patients with Suspected Nonalcholic Fatty Liver Disease
Dae Hyeon Cho, M.D. Moon Seok Choi, M.D., Dong Hee Kim, M.D., Do Young Kim, M.D., Sang Goon Shim, M.D. Joon Hyeok Lee, M.D., Kwang Cheol Koh, M.D., Seung Woon Paik, M.D., Byung Chul Yoo, M.D., and Jong Chul Rhee, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):261-267.   Published online January 1, 1970
Efficacy of Repeated Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis
Myoung Ki Sim, M.D., Do Young Kim, M.D., Jun Yong Park, M.D., Ja Kyung Kim, M.D., Sung Ai Kim, M.D., Sang Hoon Ahn, M.D., Chae Yoon Chon, M.D., Young Myoung Moon, M.D., Jong Yun Won, M.D. Do-Yun Lee, M.D. and Kwang-Hyub Han, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):268-274.   Published online January 1, 1970
The Incidence and Clinical Significance of Paraneoplastic Syndromes in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Uh Young Huh, M.D., Jin Hyuk Kim, M.D., Byung-Ho Kim, M.D., Ki Deuk Nam, M.D., Jae Young Jang, M.D., Nam Hoon Kim, M.D., Sang Kil Lee, M.D., Kwang Ro Joo, M.D., Seok Ho Dong, M.D., Hyo Jong Kim, M.D., Young Woon Chang, M.D., Joung Il Lee, M.D., and Rin Chang, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):275-283.   Published online January 1, 1970
A Case of Primary Hepatic Lymphoma Mimicking Hepatitis
Kyung Mi Kang, M.D., Woo Chul Chung, M.D., Kang Moon Lee, M.D., Sung Eun Hur, M.D., Jong Myoung Nah, M.D., Gee Hee Kim, M.D., Ju Yeal Back, M.D., Sung Kyoung Kim, M.D., Jin Mo Yang, M.D., and Hyun Joo Choi, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):284-288.   Published online January 1, 1970
A Case of Primary Small Cell Carcinoma of the Liver
Seung Hoon Ryu, M.D., Sang Young Han, M.D., Sung Hwan Suh, M.D., Young Hun Koo, M.D., Jeong Hwan Cho, M.D., Seung Ho Han, M.D., Sung Wook Lee, M.D., Jin Han Cho, M.D. and Jin Sook Jeong, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):289-292.   Published online January 1, 1970
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia
So Young Jin
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):293-297.   Published online January 1, 1970
Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Unusual Hematogeneous Metastasis to the Small and Large Intestines
Joon Koo Han , Se Hyung Kim
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2005;11(3):298-301.   Published online January 1, 1970

Clinical and

Print ISSN: 2287-2728
Online ISSN: 2287-285X

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