Transarterial embolization for the treatment of complicated liver hemangiomas: A report of two cases and review of the literature
Maria Kalogirou, Danai Chourmouzi, Ioannis Dedes, Stefania Kiapidou, Evangelos Akriviadis, Emmanouil Sinakos
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2018;24(3):345-349.   Published online 2018 Jun 11     DOI:
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Transarterial embolization with bleomycin–lipiodol emulsion: a successful minimal invasive approach for giant liver hemangioma
Juferdy Kurniawan, Maria Teressa, Refael Alfa Budiman, Sahat Basana Romanti Ezer Matondang
Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology.2024; 17(3): 511.     CrossRef