Multiomics profiling of buffy coat and plasma unveils etiology-specific signatures in hepatocellular carcinoma
Jiwon Hong, Jung Woo Eun, Geum Ok Baek, Jae Youn Cheong, Seryoung Park, Soon Sun Kim, Hyo Jung Cho, Su Bin Lim
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2024;30(3):360-374.   Published online 2024 Mar 15     DOI:
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Unveiling etiology-specific blood biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma: A gateway to personalized medicine: Editorial on “Multiomics profiling of buffy coat and plasma unveils etiology-specific signatures in hepatocellular carcinoma”
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Clinical and Molecular Hepatology.2024; 30(4): 689.     CrossRef
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Life.2024; 14(7): 833.     CrossRef
Correspondence to editorial on “Multiomics profiling of buffy coat and plasma unveils etiology-specific signatures in hepatocellular carcinoma”
Su Bin Lim, Hyo Jung Cho
Clinical and Molecular Hepatology.2024; 30(4): 1009.     CrossRef