원저 : 식도정맥류 출혈환자에서 내시경적 경화요법후 Propranolol 단독요법과 Propranolol , Isosorbide - 5 - mononitrate 및 Metoclopramide 병합요법의 비교 ( Original Articles : The Comparision of Propranolol Monotherapy and Propranolol , Isosorbide - 5 - mono |
The Comparision of Propranolol Monotherapy and Propranolol , Isosorbide - 5 - mononitrate and Metoclopramide Triple Therapy after Endoscopic Sclerotherapy in Patients with Esophageal Variceal Bleeding |
Jin Bae Kim , Oh Young Lee , Dong Soo Han , Joo Hyun Sohn , Ho Soon Choi , Byung Chul Yoon , Joon Soo Hahm , Min Ho Lee , Kyung Nam Park , Choon Suhk Kee |
Propranolol , Isosorbide mononitrate , Metoclopramide , Endoscopic sclerotherapy114 |