Korean J Hepatol > Volume 4(3); 1998 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 1998;4(3): 278-282.
비정상적 림프관을 동반한 초점성 결절성 과형성 -1예 보고- ( Focal Nodular Hyperplasia with Aberrant Lymphatics -A Case Report-)
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia with Aberrant Lymphatics -A Case Report-
Kyu Yun Jang1, Woo Sung Moon, 1,4 Baik Hwan Cho,2,4 and Dae Ghon Kim3,4
Department of Pathology,1 General Surgery,2 Internal Medicine,3 Chonbuk National University Medical School and Institute for Medical Science4
Focal nodular hyperplas ia (FNH) is a benig n epithelial tumor of the liver. T he etiology of FNH is unknown, but recent evidence sug ges ts that FNH may represent a localized, hyperplas tic response to a pre- exis ting vascular malformation. T here is a high probability of as sociated les ions , mos t commonly hepatic hemangiomas , mening ioma, as trocytoma, and arterial dysplas ia in various org ans . In the present report we describe a FNH with aberrant lymphatics in a 24- year- old woman. In operation field, lymphatics were located on the s ite of falciform ligament. His tologically, aberrant lymphatics were composed of well vascularized complex lymphatic channels and the mas s were typical FNH. In this case, the role of aberrant lymphatics in the development of FNH was unclear. But as the FNH frequently as sociated with other anomalies, we think the aberrant lymphatic as such anomaly that have not been reported. (Korean J Hepa tol 1998;4:278 282)
KeyWords: Focal nodular hyoperplasia, Aberrant lymphatics

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