Korean J Hepatol > Volume 5(2); 1999 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 1999;5(2): 97-104.
만성 B형 간질환 환자에서 라미부딘 장기투여의 치료효과 ( The Effect of Long-term Lamivudine Therapy for Chronic Liver Disease due to Hepatitis B Virus )
The Effect of Long-term Lamivudine Therapy for Chronic Liver Disease due to Hepatitis B Virus
Kwang Hyub Han, M.D., Jin Suk Kim, M.D., Hyo Young Chung1, Sang Hoon Ahn, M.D., Yong Han Paik, M.D., Kwan Sik Lee, M.D., Chae Yoon Chon, M.D. and Young Myoung Moon, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Gastroenterology, Medical Research Center1, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
: We studied to evaluate the virological and biochemical responses to lamivudine and to detect YMDD mutants in patients who received long-term lamivudine therapy. Methods : We conducted a one-year trial of lamivudine in 45 Korean patients with chronic liver disease due to hepatitis B virus. The patients were treated with a single oral average dose of 100 mg of lamivudine every day for 12 months. Results : The suppression of serum HBV DNA was sustained in 77.8% of the patients and the normalization of serum ALT in 80%. The proportions of patients with HBeAg seroconversion were 25%. YMDD mutants were detected in 4 of 8 patients who showed sustained HBV DNA and serum ALT response (n=31) and in 3 of 8 patients who showed HBV DNA or serum ALT breakthrough (n=9). The response to lamivudine therapy in HBeAg-negative patients was excellent. Conclusion : Lamivudine therapy resulted in a significant virological and biochemical improvements and were well tolerated. But, YMDD mutants were detected during lamivudine therapy. (Korean J Hepatol 1999;5:97-104)
KeyWords: Lamivudine, HBV DNA breakthrough, ALT breakthrough, HBeAg seroconversion, YMDD mutant

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