Korean J Hepatol > Volume 5(2); 1999 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 1999;5(2): 142-147.
방사선 투시하의 경피적 배액술로 치료된 감염된 거대 간낭종 1예 ( Infected Huge Hepatic Cyst : Treatment by Fluoroscopic-Guided Percutaneous Drainage )
Infected Huge Hepatic Cyst:Treatment by Fluoroscopic-Guided Percutaneous Drainage
Hee Jin Kim,Joung Il Lee,Kyoung Bun Park,Seok Ho Dong,Hyo Jong kim,Byung Ho Kim,Young Woon Chang,Rin Chang
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Symptomatic hepatic cysts are infrequently seen. A 82-year-old woman was admitted because of growing abdominal mass and pain. On admission, the mass was palpated on right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Ultrasonography and computed tomography disclosed a huge cystic lesion of the liver. It measured 22.5 x 19.0 x 18.0 cm and had a thick wall that was irregular. Because of the patient's symptoms and the radiologic findings, the decision was made to aspirate the cyst percutaneously under fluoroscopic guidance. Percutaneous drainage yielded approximately 3300 cc of yellow brownish fluid. A cytologic evaluation of the fluid was negative for malignant cells, and a fluid analysis was described as predominantly inflammatory in nature. Cultures revealed a growth of Klebsiella oxytoca. After drainage of the cystic fluid, we instilled contrast medium. No communication between the cyst and bile ducts was seen. Seven days later, the patient was discharged. Four months after treatment, no reaccumulated fluid was observed by ultrasonography. Ten months after treatment, the patient is healthy without abdominal discomfort. We report a case of the infected huge hepatic cyst successfully treated with fluoroscopic-guided percutaneous drainage. (Korean J Hepatol 1999;5:142-147)
KeyWords: Hepatic cyst, Drainage, Fluoroscopic-guided
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