Korean J Hepatol > Volume 7(3); 2001 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 2001;7(3): 341-344.
개암풀 ( 보골지 (補骨脂) ; Psoralea corylifolia ) 에 의한 급성 간염 1 예 ( A Case of Acute Cholestatic Hepatitis Caused By the Seeds of Psoralea - corylifolia )
A Case of Acute Cholestatic Hepatitis Caused By the Seeds of Psoralea - corylifolia
Sung-Ha Hwang, M.D., Jin-Ah Park, M.D., Yi-Sun Jang, M.D., Kang-Moon Lee, M.D., Dong-Soo Lee, M.D., Byung-Min Ahn, M.D., and Eun-Hee Lee, M.D.*
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pathology*, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
The potential hepatotoxicity of herbal remedies is usually ignored in daily life. One such compound, Boh-Gol-Zhee(in Chinese, Bu Ku Zi), appeared to be the cause for acute cholestatic hepatic injury in the following case. Psoralea corylifolia is known to contain a sufficient amount of phyto-estrogen. Some alternative medicine therapists claim that Psoralea corylifolia is effective for the treatment of osteoporosis. So far, at least 35 chemical components in the fruits of Psoralea corylifolia have been identified. High concentrations of phyto-estrogen, such as genistein, have been found in the leaves of Psoralea corylifolia. Phyto-estrogen has structural similarity to estrogen and exhibits beneficial effects on osteoporosis under estrogen-deficient conditions. The authors observed a case of acute cholestatic hepatitis in a post-menopausal woman caused by seeds of Psoralea corylifolia in amounts over 10 times the usual dose. Other possible causes of liver injury were excluded by laboratory tests and imaging studies. After discontinuation of this remedy, elevated liver enzyme and total bilirubin rapidly returned to normal. Liver biopsy showed zone 3 necrosis, degenerating cells, cholestasis and infiltrations with inflammatory cells. This case stresses the need to warn the potential hepatotoxicity of Psoralea corylifolia seeds, especially in a large dose.(Korean J Hepatol 2001;7:341-344)
KeyWords: Acute cholestatic hepatitis, Psoralea corylifolia, Phyto-estrogen

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