A Case of Toxic Hepatitis Induced by Habitual Glue Sniffing |
Chang Keun Park, M.D., Ki Tae Kwon, M.D., Dong Seok Lee, M.D., Chang Min Jo, M.D.,
Won Young Tak, M.D., Young Oh Kweon, M.D., Sung Kook Kim, M.D. and Yong Hwan Choi, M.D. |
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea |
The link between toxic hepatitis and exposure to organic solvents is relatively well-documented, but there are no specific laboratory or histologic findings diagnostic of chemical-induced hepatitis. Clinical history, therefore, is very important in making a diagnosis. A history of glue sniffing is sometimes overlooked and glue sniffing has not received much attention as a cause of hepatitis. Toluene, a main organic solvent in glue, is known to cause disturbances in various organs such as the heart, nervous system, liver and kidneys. We present a case of hepatitis in an individual who has sniffed glue for euphoria for 3 years. There is an increasing tendency towards glue sniffing among young adolescents today, so toxicity caused by exposure to organic solvents should be considered as one possible cause of hepatitis in young adolescents. |
Glue sniffer, Hepatitis, Organic solvent, Toluene |