Korean J Hepatol > Volume 3(3); 1997 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 1997;3(3): 202-209.
원저 : 최근 5년간 간경변의 원인과 합병증에 관한 고찰 ( Original Articles : The Cause and Complication of Liver Cirrhosis during the Reccent 5 Years )
The Cause and Complication of Liver Cirrhosis during the Reccent 5 Years
Kwang Sik Seo , Byung Seok Lee , Jae Kyu Sung , Sang Oo Lee , Seok Hyun Kim , Kyung Tae Kim , Seung Min Lee , Jin Hee Kim , Nam Jae Kim , Heon Young Lee
The causes and complications of liver cirrhosis are varied and increasing prevalence of alcoholic liver disease has been suspected. We tried to categarize the causes and complications of liver cirrhosis. Methods: We investigated the 159 patients who are diagnosed as liver cirrhosis at Chungnam National University Hospital during the recent 5 years. Results: 1) HBV infection was the most common cause of liver cirrhosis (48.1%), alcohol was next (42.9%). 2) Alcoholic liver cirrhosis was the most common cause in male (54.2%), postnecrotic cirrhosis (HBV) was the most common cause in female (66.7%). The difference was considered to come from the fact that male drinks more, constantly or habitually. 3) Alcohol was the most common cause of liver cirrhosis above the fifth decade of age and HBV is under 40 yeats of age. 4) The complications of liver cirrhosis are variceal bleeding, most common, splenomegaly and ascites in order. Hepatocellular carcinoma occumd also especially in HBV induced liver cirrhosis. Conclusion: Alcoholic liver disease is a common cause of liver cirrhosis. (Korean J Hepatol 1997;6:202 209)
KeyWords: Liver cirrhosis , alcohol , complication

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