Korean J Hepatol > Volume 4(3); 1998 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 1998;4(3): 244-253.
만성 C형 간질환에서 line probe assay 법에 의한 HCV genotype의 분포 ( Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes determined by line probe assay in Korean patients with chronic HCV infection)
Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes determined by line probe assay in Korean patients with chronic HCV infection
Geun Chan Lee, Hyung Gun Kim, Neung Hwa Park, Seon Young Won, Young Hwa Chung, Yung Sang Lee and Dong Jin Suh
Department of Internal Med icine, Asan Medical Center, College of Me dicine, Ulsan University, Seoul, Korea
Backg round/ Aims : The hepat it is C virus (HCV) genotypes have been shown to be differently distributed among distinct geographic areas and as sociated with different clinical present at ions . The aut hors investigated the distribution of HCV genotypes in Korean patients with chronic HCV infection and the as sociation of HCV genotypes with age, sex, severity of the liver disease, and the possible mode of transmission. Methods : The study population consisted of 143 patients with chronic HCV infect ion: 13 with normal ALT , 78 with chronic hepatitis , 35 with cirrhosis , 17 with hepat ocellular car cinoma (HCC). HCV genotypes were determined by line probe assay. Result s : The principal HCV genotype was 1b ( 56%) and followed by 2a/ c ( 32%), mixed (8%), 2b ( 3%), and 1a (1%). Patients infected with type 1b and 2a/ c were older than those with ot her genotypes (p< 0.05). Genotype 1b tended to be more prevalent among patients with HCC ( 76% compared with 53% for patients with other liver diseases ; p=0.07). There was no significant relations hip bet ween genotypes and sex or mode of transmission. Conclusion : The most common HCV genotype in Korea was type 1b and followed by 2a/ 2c. Although patients infected with type 1b and 2a/c were older than those with other genotypes , there was no correlation between genotypes and sex, severity of liver disease, or mode of transmission. (Korean J Hepatol 1998;4:244 253)
KeyWords: HCV, Genotype, Mode of transmission, Severity of liver disease

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