Korean J Hepatol > Volume 8(1); 2002 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 2002;8(1): 44-51.
원저 : HBeAg 양성인 만성 B 형 간염을 가진 젊은 남자 환자에서 조직학적 간염 활성도와 HBV DNA 의 관계 ( Original Articles : HBV DNA Levels , Aminotransferase and Histological Activity in Young Male Patients with HBeAg Positive Chronic Hepatitis B )
HBV DNA Levels, Aminotransferase and Histological Activity in Young Male Patients with HBeAg Positive Chronic Hepatitis B
Seung Chul Cho,Soong Hwan Lee,Joon Jae Shinn,Sung Hee Han,Byung Joo Roh,Joo Hyun Sohn,Dong Hoo Lee,Choon Suhk Kee
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Hanyang University Institute of Digestive Diseases, Seoul, Korea
/Aim: A significant correlation between HBV DNA and liver damage was found in precore mutant strains but there was no significant association between viral replication and liver damage in HBeAg positive patients. Laboratory tests are often requested to predict hepatitis activity (grade) and fibrosis (stage) in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B. We assessed ALT, AST, and HBV-branched DNA to find which is the best for predicting hepatitis activity and fibrosis. Methods: Routine biochemical liver function tests and HBV DNA in sera were assessed in 119 young patients positive with HBsAg and HBeAg. The mean age of patients was 21±2 years. All patients were male. By logistic regression analysis the relationships between laboratory data, hepatitis activity, fibrosis, or risk of chronic active hepatitis were analyzed. Results: There was a significant correlation between aminotransferase (AST, ALT) and hepatitis activity/ fibrosis. A significant inverse relationship between the HBV bDNA and hepatitis activity was demonstrated (Pearson's correlation coefficient: lobular activity,-0.305; porto-periportal activity, -0.410). But HBV bDNA was not correlated with severity of fibrosis. AST and HBV bDNA was the important test for predicting the more severe hepatitis activity (lobular activity and porto-periportal activity: score≥3, respectively) Conclusion: The higher AST, but the lower HBV bDNA, in sera shows the more severe hepatitis activity. AST and HBV bDNA could be helpful for assessing the hepatitis activity in young male patients with HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B if proper reference values are used.(Korean J Hepatol 2002;8:44-51)
KeyWords: Hepatitis/Viral/ Chronic hepatitis B, Aminotransferase, HBeAg, HBV DNA, Hepatitis activity, Fibrosis

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