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Volume 8(1); Mar 2002
Special Surgical Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Kuhn Uk Lee,Hyuk Joon Lee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):1-21.   Published online January 1, 1970
Special Liver Cirrhosis and Diabetes Mellitus
Yong Soo Park,Tae Wha Kim
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):22-34.   Published online January 1, 1970
Validation of International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group Scoring System for Dianosis of Type 1 Autoimmune Hepatitis in Korea
Saera Jung, M.D., Han Chu Lee, M.D., Young Hwan Park, M.D., Sang Soo Lee, M.D., Hee Gon Song, M.D., Seung Il Pyo, M.D., Byung-Cheol Song, M.D.* , Young-Hwa Chung, M.D., Yung Sang Lee, M.D., and Dong Jin Suh, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):35-43.   Published online January 1, 1970
HBV DNA Levels, Aminotransferase and Histological Activity in Young Male Patients with HBeAg Positive Chronic Hepatitis B
Seung Chul Cho,Soong Hwan Lee,Joon Jae Shinn,Sung Hee Han,Byung Joo Roh,Joo Hyun Sohn,Dong Hoo Lee,Choon Suhk Kee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):44-51.   Published online January 1, 2000
Efficacy and Safety of Large Volume Paracentesis in Cirrhotic Patients with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis : A Randomized Prospective Study
Chang Hwan Choi, M.D., Kwang-Hyub Han, M.D., Do Young Kim, M.D., Jae Hee Cho, M.D., Jae Youn Cheong, M.D., Kun Hoon Song, M.D., Chae Yoon Chon, M.D., and Young Myoung Moon, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):52-60.   Published online January 1, 1970
Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP) in A Recent Five Year Period
Hee Gon Song, M.D., Han Chu Lee, M.D., Yeon Ho Joo, M.D., Saera Jung, M.D., Young Hwan Park, M.D., Soo Hyung Ryu, M.D., Jung Woo Shin, M.D., Yun Jung Lee, M.D., Young-Hwa Chung, M.D., Yung Sang Lee, M.D., and Dong Jin Suh
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):61-70.   Published online January 1, 2000
Concurrent Chemo - Radiation Therapy for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Portal Vein Thrombosis
Jin Suk Kim, M.D., Kwang-Hyub Han, M.D., Do Yun Lee, M.D.* , Jin-Sil Seong, M.D.† , Young Hoon Youn, M.D., Jae Youn Cheong, M.D., Sang Hoon Ahn, M.D., Chae Yoon Chon, M.D., and Young Myoung Moon, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):71-79.   Published online January 1, 1970
Interactions of Unconjugated Bilirubin with Bile Acid by Rapid Solvent Partition
Joon Soo Hahm,Gwang Ho Mun,Hang Lak Lee,Chang Soo Eun,Joon Yong Park,Dong Soo Han,Ho Soon Choi,You Hern Ahn
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):80-89.   Published online January 1, 1970
The Expression of E - cadherin in Human and Rat Hepatic Stellate Cells / Evidence of Epithelial - Mesenchymal Transition
Young Suk Lim,Hyo Suk Lee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):90-99.   Published online January 1, 1970
A Case of Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Wilson`s Disease Combined with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Tae Yeob Kim, M.D., Soong Hwan Lee, M.D., Tae Jong Kim, M.D., Kyung Ran Cho, M.D., Seung Chul Cho, M.D., Sung Hee Han, M.D., Sun Young Yang, M.D., Yong Woo Chung, M.D., Joo Hyun Sohn, M.D., Sang Hyun Baik, M.D., Sang Cheol Bae, M.D.* , Dong Hoo Lee, M.D., Choon Suhk Kee, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):100-104.   Published online January 1, 1970
Internet for Patient Education of Liver Diseases
Jong Hyeok Kim,Choong Kee Park
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):105-106.   Published online January 1, 2000
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Arising in Hepatocellular Adenoma
Mi Sun Choe,Eun Sil Yu
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):107-109.   Published online January 1, 2000
Peripheral Cholangiocarcinoma
Joon Koo Han
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):110-111.   Published online January 1, 1970
Ultrastructure of chronic liver diseases - From light to electron microscopy -
Kyu Won Chung
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2002;8(1):112-123.   Published online January 1, 1970

Clinical and

Print ISSN: 2287-2728
Online ISSN: 2287-285X

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