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Volume 13(1); Mar 2007
Changes in the Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Antibody in Korea
Jae Hong Park
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):1-4.   Published online January 1, 1970
Assessment of Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Sang Hwa Urm
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):5-8.   Published online January 1, 1970
Hypoxia in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Sun Jung Myung , Jung Hwan Yoon
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):9-19.   Published online January 1, 1970
Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy
Moon Young Kim , Soon Koo Baik
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):20-26.   Published online January 1, 1970
The Age-specific Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Antibody in Korea
Young Bong Song , Joon Hyoek Lee , Moon Seok Choi , Kwang Cheol Koh , Seung Woon Paik , Byung Chul Yoo , Yoon Ho Choi , Hee Jung Sohn , Kyung Han Lee , Jong Chul Rhee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):27-33.   Published online January 1, 2000
The Survey for the Actual Condition of Drug Medication and Development of Health Care Cost Associated with Toxic Liver Injury in Korean; A Multicenter Study for the Detection and the Development of Nationwide Reporting System of Toxic Liver Injury
Tae Woo Yoo, M.D., Byung Ik Kim, M.D., Jin Bong Kim, M.D. Dong Joon Kim, M.D. Jae Woo Kim. Soon Koo Baik. Kwang Seok Kim, M.D. Gab Jin Cheon, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):34-43.   Published online January 1, 2000
Validation of the Korean Version of Liver Disease Quality of Life (LDQOL 1.0) Instrument
Sehyun Kim, Ph.D. Ki Hyun Choi, M.D. Seong Gyu Hwang, M.D. Ji Hyun Lee, M.D. Sun Young Kwak, M.D. Pil Won Park, M.D. Yukyung Kim, M.D. Hye Ja Park, Ph.D. Soon Joo Kim, M.A. Kyu Sung Rim M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):44-50.   Published online January 1, 1970
Usefulness of ΔMELD/month for Prediction of the Mortality in the First Episode of Variceal Bleeding Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: Comparison with CTP, MELD score and ΔCTP/month
Won Ki Bae, M.D., June Sung Lee, M.D., Nam Hoon Kim, M.D., Kyung Ah Kim, M.D., Young Soo Moon, M.D., Min Kyung Oh, Ph.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):51-60.   Published online January 1, 1970
Inhibitory Effect of Angiotensin Blockade on Hepatic Fibrosis in Common Bile Duct-Ligated Rats
Dong Hun Park, M.D., Soon Koo Baik, M.D., Yeon Hee Choi, Moon Young Kim, M.D., Dae Wook Rhim, M.D., Jae Woo Kim, M.D., Sang Ok Kwon, M.D., Mi Yun Cho, M.D. Chul Han Kim, M.D. and Seung Chan Ahn, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):61-69.   Published online January 1, 1970
Expression of ErbB Receptor Proteins and TGF-α during Diethylnitrosamine-induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in the Rat Liver
Tae Yeong Lee , Kyoung Tae Kim , Sang Young Han
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):70-80.   Published online January 1, 1970
Expression of G1 Cell Cycle Regulators in Rat Liver upon Repeated Exposure to Thioacetamide
Kyoung-Tae Kim, M.D., Sang-Young Han, M.D., Ph.D., Jin-Sook Jeong, M.D., Ph.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):81-90.   Published online January 1, 1970
Gastric Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated by Transarterial Chemoembolization: A Case Report
Ji Hoon Kim , Joong Won Park , Joon Il Choi , Hyun Beom Kim , Dong Wook Koh , Woo Jin Lee , Chang Min Kim
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):91-95.   Published online January 1, 1970
A Case of the Treatment in an Adult with Hepatic Undifferentiated (Embryonal) Sarcoma
Kyoung-Tae Kim, M.D. Sang-Young Han, M.D. Eun-Hee Park, M.D. Jin-Seok Jang, M.D. Myung-Hwan Roh, M.D. Sung-Wook Lee, M.D. Jin-Sook Jeong, M.D.
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):96-102.   Published online January 1, 1970
Pulmonary Toxicity by Pegylated Interferon α-2a in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis C
Byoung Kwan Son , Joo Hyun Sohn , Tae Yeob Kim , Yoon Kyung Park , Yong Chul Jeon , Dong Soo Han
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):103-107.   Published online January 1, 1970
Bile Duct Cystadenocarcinoma
So Young Jin
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):108-111.   Published online January 1, 1970
Combined Hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma
Joon Koo Han , Se Hyung Kim , Soo Jin Kim
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):112-115.   Published online January 1, 1970
The Korean Journal of Use of Google as a Diagnostic Aid
Kwang Cheol Koh
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):116-118.   Published online January 1, 1970
국외 잡지에 실린 회원들의 연구논문
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2007;13(1):119-124.   Published online January 1, 2000

Clinical and

Print ISSN: 2287-2728
Online ISSN: 2287-285X

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